After reading some of the reviews, I thought: "how bad could this app be..."
First off, Id like to thank the MTA for continually raising the fares to the point that driving (even with gas at $2-4 a gallon) is actually cheaper than taking mass transit.
Secondly, and this is another thank you to the MTA: thank you for 20+ years of "upgrades" only to have equipment fail on a near daily basis.
Thirdly, and on point: its not as unbelievable as it may seem that the MTA failed at creating an app that:
1) is constantly updated to make it better and improve its quality.
2) Is slower than the A train at peak hours (*side bar: why is the local E train faster than the express A?)
3) I look forward to the next fare hike only to receive less than mediocre service both on the train and with this terrible app.
Congratulations, MTA.
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